Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blog # 10

What do you think you have learned in terms of writing skills?                                                        
In this past 3 weeks I think I learned a few new things that I never seen before.  The first thing that pops in my mind was the “annotation” that we learned last week, to me that was an important writing skill that  would help me a lot in future essays that I have to do for this class. I hope that that skill would help me past the CAT exam, of course with other writing skills that you (Doc X) had taught us in the past 3 weeks.  Another writing skill that I first saw in a writing class is the Thesis-based writing, that’s a skill that I do want to practice some more and get hopefully good at it so I can pass the CAT exam.  And hopefully use it on my college career in writing.

What proves that you have learned what you say you have learned?                                                                                                                                                    
Well we have to wait and see; I really do want to know if my take on the writing skills that I had learned works for me, If not I’m screw, and I have to talk to you one on one. But with more practice I believe I can get better at it. Keep in mind I haven’t wrote anything since high school last 12 years ago. And back then I was not a well writer. Hopefully I get what I have learned and become a better writer or at least pass the CAT exam.

What of the material we have covered is still unclear or confuses you?
I think is the summarizing, to get that main idea is kind of hard for me. And to put it in writing is a killer!  And paragraphing that is another material that I find it unclear. That’s why if you have time we can have a one on one to explain those skills to me. If not I try to get better myself or go to the writing center.

Would you say that overall you feel more confident about your understanding of basic writing skills, less confident, or about the same as when we started class?
I think I’m a little bit confident on my understanding on the basic writing skills. Hopefully with the blogs that I wrote, you can find ways that I need to improve. I’m a bit scared about this class because writing is not my best skill. Plus the English language is not my first language so at times I feel am writing in Spanish than in English. I do want to improve on all the writing skills but with practice and time I know that I become an alright writer.

Anything else I should know about?
Well I pretty much told you on the questions you ask, I use had to be careful on writing with grammar errors that I know I’m having. I hope there is some way I can get help on that. And I hope you can help me as well. I do want to pass your class and pass the exam,  but most important I want to move on in my college career and become a better writer.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Joao, for this insightful and useful self assessment!
