Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog #1 Hype

On the essay from "signs of life in the USA" by Kalle Lasn talks about the evolucion of adverstisements that is affecting the american people today. Explains how the business company spend tons and tons on money and hours to get the people ( consumers ) to see and hear the products on ads all around the media. To be honest I totally agree with Kalle and her passage, Everyday when I wake up and turn on the TV all I see is a little bit of news or a favorite show and tons of commercials during the half and hour of to a hour. I take the MTA ( living in NYC ) and I see ads on the top of the trains or net to the seats.  I laughed when reading the passage the second paragraph when she wrote ( Kalle ) and I quote " You fill your car with gas and there's an ad on the nozzle". And thats so true now in days before when I was younger I never saw that, now its a common thing to see that. An other funny advertisement that I saw once which to be quite honest tops all the ads I seen in my life was during the FIFA World Cup last year, when I went to a local bar in the city and I saw on the urinal a mini soccer ball with a goal net. At first I was like "you got to be kidding me jajaja" and it was an ad for a beer company. I think company are going way extreme on the ads now in days, they want to catched the consumer's eyes to see if they but their product.

I don't mind companies trying to sell the products, but to inject us with tons of it every day of every hours of our lifes, I believe its over doing it. Just keep it on a normal level and I believe that people will get the point, that's my opinium . Like the passage say " There is nowhere to run " meaning ads are everywhere and they are here to stay.


  1. Joao--
    You have a clear point and support it well with concrete examples (the one about the urinal is indeed funny and somewhat outrageous). Good job.

    My suggestions have to do with reading and grammar.

    Reading: while you understood the general meaning of the piece, you missed some key words such as "toxic." Re-read the piece and annotate it to find out what Lasn's angle on advertisement is.

    Grammar: Your first language is interfering somewhat with your second language so that sometimes what you are saying is not super clear. I suggest reading about sentence-level problems and doing some sentence-level exercises from the guides in my blog under "Grammar and Writing Links." Specifically, check: mixed construction, confusion, runs-ons and comma splices.

    Also, you may want to visit the Writing Center or have a classmate check your grammar when you rewrite this piece.

  2. P.S. To put the blogs back in order, go to Blog 2, open it by clicking the little pencil, click on "Post Options" at the bottom of the window, and under "Post date and time" select "Automatic." Publish the post and voila!
