Saturday, June 11, 2011

Blog #25 - Final Project - Food Market

I went with a couple of classmates to Union Square Park to see what I can find there

I saw alot of thing that caught my eye like this:

 I went in to see what I can get for my special dish that I'm was going to prepare, I saw some green food that would be perfect for my dish

Next I was thinking off geting some organic eggs, the price was a bit much but I know I be eating a good natural egg than a factoty egg:

after that I was a bit hungry so I told my classmates if they wanted to get some cheap apples =)

But Alice wanted to eat an apple pie =/  .... Jajaja

Next I wanted to get some MEAT... but the organic ones that have less chemicals and hormons ...

 The price of the meat was SO high I almost didn't want to get it ...... =(

After this I wanted to but some tomates cause I wanted to make a sauge for my meat

 While walking around we saw a cooking show on the park.... That was cool and gave me some new ideas for my organic dish =D

We decided to take a small break and walk around the park.... I was tons ( I'm lying ) well alot of crazy people on the park.... I was worry about the girls's safety lol . The entrance is all nice looking but inside alot of crazy and drunk people be there....   -_- ..

But on the bright side we saw some kids playing Irish music on the park. That was cool =)

 When I got home I was perparing my dish with the things I bought which was pricey ....  I was cutting the chicken in pieces so I can fry it with the tomates that I bought there ... I make a tomates sauge on the pan...

Then I mix the two things so it can cooked... In which I added water and oil at the same thing .....

Finally the final dish is maked ... with the salad that I bough and the chicken ... Hope you like it =D

I really enjoy this project and going with my classmates was FUN ...

1 comment:

  1. Mmm...lovely dish! Did you put any spices in the chicken?

    I am glad you went with classmates...that's the best way to enjoy Union Square.
