Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog 2

Today in class we discuss about annotations. At first I really didn't see the point on it, but now with the activities we did in class, I see it as a helping tool to become a better writer. What I got from annotation is that now I can break down the paragraph and analys it better. not just reading it and getting nothing out of it. For example Jorge ( my partner of the day ) and I read an essay named: " Is Google Making Us Stupid " and we annotated this essay. We concluded that google is making us not use our brain to our potecion that we have as human beings.

"I know the truth, so don't bother me with facts"

I was partner with Linda on this one, She did an OK Job on this annotation.
she needed some extra details about the research that he professor from the article make.
their names would been nice to add on her annotation. We agree on the vocabolary that its needed to define or explain better.

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