Saturday, June 11, 2011

Blog #25 - Final Project - Food Market

I went with a couple of classmates to Union Square Park to see what I can find there

I saw alot of thing that caught my eye like this:

 I went in to see what I can get for my special dish that I'm was going to prepare, I saw some green food that would be perfect for my dish

Next I was thinking off geting some organic eggs, the price was a bit much but I know I be eating a good natural egg than a factoty egg:

after that I was a bit hungry so I told my classmates if they wanted to get some cheap apples =)

But Alice wanted to eat an apple pie =/  .... Jajaja

Next I wanted to get some MEAT... but the organic ones that have less chemicals and hormons ...

 The price of the meat was SO high I almost didn't want to get it ...... =(

After this I wanted to but some tomates cause I wanted to make a sauge for my meat

 While walking around we saw a cooking show on the park.... That was cool and gave me some new ideas for my organic dish =D

We decided to take a small break and walk around the park.... I was tons ( I'm lying ) well alot of crazy people on the park.... I was worry about the girls's safety lol . The entrance is all nice looking but inside alot of crazy and drunk people be there....   -_- ..

But on the bright side we saw some kids playing Irish music on the park. That was cool =)

 When I got home I was perparing my dish with the things I bought which was pricey ....  I was cutting the chicken in pieces so I can fry it with the tomates that I bought there ... I make a tomates sauge on the pan...

Then I mix the two things so it can cooked... In which I added water and oil at the same thing .....

Finally the final dish is maked ... with the salad that I bough and the chicken ... Hope you like it =D

I really enjoy this project and going with my classmates was FUN ...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog # 24

Well the 3 blogs that I consider best critical thinking would be Blog # 22, 12, and 11.  I think those were the ones that make me think a lot in this semester. Blog # 22: The story of Stuff make me think a lot about my way of life, It taught me as I was like a zombie when I was buying stuff that I really don’t need. I really enjoy it the class and the discussing we had about it.  Blog # 12: Summary and Response to “Red Pill or Blue Pill?’  that’s another one that I enjoy writing about and discussing it on the classroom, that article by Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcolmson explain to be how we as human sometimes think that ignores is bliss and we don’t like to know the truth at times. When I was reading that article I was thinking about myself and how at times I feel like that.  And finally Blog # 11 about the Truman Show the question about the perfect world versus the real world. That blog was the toughest for me because I couldn’t think about anything to write about; I had to really brainstorm ideas for it.  But over all I enjoy and learn from all the blog that you make us write.
This kind of writing that we had this semester was different from my past ones, because this was the first time that I wrote on a blog and allows other students to read my work.
I really don’t know if the blogs help me with my writing skills but I sure hope so for this Wednesday’s exam that we have. But you told me that I got better in somewhat of my writing skills.
I’m not too fond about online work that was shared with others, but if that make me a better writer well so be it.
At times I read some of my classmates’ work, for help with my own blogs, at time I was stuck with some blogs and reading some really help in my benefit.
I was kind of shock that some students from other courses like my blogs and give me comments. That was very cool of them to do.
I really enjoy this class Professor X, I think it was one of my best experience in college from a long time…. I learn a lot of things about food and my home planet that I was continue to just and I hope to teach others. I know it suck that our semester got cut of short but I know that’s life…. I hope I get to see you in my future at la Guardia and we can have a good relationship as a student and professor. Damn thinking about it I’m going to miss all of my classmates I hope we can keep in touch with each others. I’m sorry for not doing Blog # 23 but I will do it soon for practice I had a busy week and weekend at work (we are moving) so it was very difficult for me to write well as my over units, so I want to apologies to you.  

Blog # 22: The Story of Stuff

Who/What is responsible for this reality?
      To be honest I believe that all of us (Humans) are responsible for this reality, we buy stuff that we don’t need in a lot of cases. And the Big Companies that produce products are us to buy. All of us are destroying our only planet. And to be honest we are going to pay for it later on or even worst our children.

     Who/What benefits from it?
      Well to be fair, I think both the consumers and producers are benefiting from this reality that we are living in. for example the consumers cause we are buying new cool things for our pleasure like a new Iphone with cool Ads on the phone that carries new games, cameras to take pictures when your outside, and music to listen when your walking. So things like that we benefit from it. And the producers cause they are selling it and getting money for it, they build thing for cheap cost and they sell it double or triple the prices are times.

         Who/What suffers because of it?
       They people that we living in the land that the companies took over for their business. And our planet as well cause they are destroying the way of life that our planet is living. And it’s a shame too, cause I don’t mind trying to produces thing for the people, but not by destroying everything is sight and not trying to rebuild those land that are in a waste.

          Is this reality necessary?
       Yes and No, I meant that we need those things to process in life, I kow that back in the days people didn’t have things we have now, but I’m sure if they did they also would be like us. But to be honest this reality scares me cause we are destroying our only planet to live in. and I don’t know if we as a species are going to survive in the future if we take all of the natural resources away from our planet. I remind me of the matrix (The Movie) that we are a virus that we expand and destroys anything in our path like the Agent Mr. Smith told Morphous.  

         Is it right? 
No it’s not right, and I hope people should understand soon before its too late for us to fix our planet.

Blog # 21: Summary and Response to " The New Industrial Migrants"

The new Industrial Migrants (part I)
In this passage from the book “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser states that the food industries are hiring a lot of migrants from over countries in the 1980’s. Mr. Schlosser gives an example of this by telling how the meatpacking industries are using illegal aliens to do the dangerous work in that field. Explain how the companies hire the workers for few months and then they are let go. Mr. Schlosser states the reason for that is that they don’t want to pay health insurance for the workers; they know that insurance for that type of work it’s costly for the big company to insure its workers. He later explains some reason that the workers are fine by it, he states that most of them don’t have a background education from their native land. So they don’t know their right as human beings. Another is because they are illegal in this country they can’t complain to anyone because they are afraid they would get deported back to their native home land. And another reason that companies are getting their ways with the workers is because the workers don’t have an union to help them out, so it’s easier for companies to control their business

The new industrial migrants (Part II)
In this passage from “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser states how the meatpacking industry are recruiting migrant workers from town to town in the USA. They are targeting low income neighborhoods or poor communities, the companies are recruiting in homeless shelters in some pretty big states like New York, New Jersey, California, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. Meaning they are targeting blacks and Hispanics communities that lives in those states. They even are trying to market the companies about hiring in neighboring countries like Mexico.  The Immigration and Naturalization Service estimates about one quarter of all meatpacking workers are illegal immigrants in 2 of factories in the states of Iowa and Nebraska. They are hiring anyone with a pulse to do that kind of dangerous work, so companies are focus in getting people with no background education.  Mr. Schlosser later states that some company in Minnesota name GFI America were paying shelters to hold their workers cause they promise those workers home to live in, in which they lie and forces them to live next to homeless people. Soon after the local news heard about this and make it public to the community about this outrage.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blog 20: Reflection on the food unit

The food unit of this class was very fun to do; I really enjoy doing it and having a discussing on it with my fellow classmates. I learned new things about the food industry, which I haven’t learned or know before. About how all the processed food start back in the 1940’s during the war. How companies don’t really care about our health, they just care about the profits that they are gaining for our stupidity or ignorant that we know about where our food comes from. The food industry is like the matrix, I just know that is there and we don’t ask question about it. Like the essay I read on the last unit named “Red pill or blue pills” that ignorant is bliss, I can say that we are like that as well, because we don’t have where our food source come from. It’s all a big lie that the food industry is feeding us and marketing us as well. That our food comes from the farm, but in reality it comes from factories and the food is created with chemical to last longer and make us addict as well. To be honest I’m kind of piss that the US government is not doing anything about it. The facts are there and they just close their eyes and don’t do shit about it. Like the subtitle of professor X states “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad“at first I was wondering why you had that as your subtitle….. And now I know =)

I really enjoy the YouTube videos that we watched in class, they were funny but most of all it was very informing. Especially the one with the bottle of waters, I change my though on tap water and now I don’t buy bottle water anymore and I just stick with the old fashion way of tap water. I was so ignorant about that, now that I know the truth I will not help make companies rich any more by buying water. To be honest it feels good to know the truth, at first I didn’t see the meaning of it. But now I know that knowledge is power and I hope my fellow classmates have learned as well ….. at least some.

They comments I receive from the ESL students were helping in my blog # 15. I really appreciated their opinions on what I wrote. Some of them were funny and some were helpful, I think it a great way to make new friends as well. Now on the CAT-W#3 I was able to write more ideas and express my feeling better by having more in details what I was writing about, which it help a lot cause I pass the Cat #3. I hope I can do that on the real CAT. I see I’m improving a little bit on my writing, I hope you can help me more and give me more helpful tips in passing the real CAT.  I hope you continue on your teaching on the work unit, I will make an effort to still continue my learning from you. I really appreciate your knowledge and I will continue to be in class and learn from you. Thank you Professor X …. De verdad gracias.  

Blog 19: In Defense of Food

What items in Pollan's advice make sense to you?

All of them, I think it’s common sense to buy organic food and processed food. Or at least buy food that the land grows naturally

Which could you implement right away?
Eat slowly…. I eat my food so fast that at times I don’t eat but I swallow my food… that’s not a good way to input my food…..

Which seem hard to do or farfetched?
Pay more, eat less. I’m a man and I need to have a decent amount of food on my plate. If not I’m will not function well =)

Which you wish you could do, but your present lifestyle does not make possible?
Pay more eat less. I live in a pricey neighborhood in queens (Rego Park with My girlfriend) and I have a budget. Plus I like to eat good as well

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog # 18: Summarizing and Responding to "Where the Whale Be at? The place of Race and Racism in the Discussion of Environmentalism

After reading “Where the whale be at?: The place of race & racism in the discussion of environmentalism”  by Terry J. Cole I honestly agree with his thoughts and opinions. First he states white Americans don’t care about the lands that they took away from the Native Americans or Indians, I totally agree with it. As history told us that the white people almost kill off the Native for their land cause the white wanted to have more power in this new world. And by having power meant was to have more land back in the early days when USA was being form. Then Terry touch on a topic that I agree on as well, about a large number of African American living is communities not white American wouldn’t live on (only if they are poor meaning the whites) He states that cause of the environment that Blacks live on that they are linked with delinquency, lower IQ, and lower graduation rates. To be honest its true, they have many problems in their communities. But to be honest if they work hard and not be selfish with each other I think they would have an answer for this. Sorry but that’s the way I think, I too was raise in those conditions when coming to USA when I was in my teen. I just to live on a black and Hispanic section in queens, call Richmond Hill near Jamaica Avenue. It was rough to have your teen years in those conditions that my parents and I have. But it wasn’t the worst either cause I was born in a 3rd world country Ecuador, and to be honest with you that’s much worst. Over there people are really living hard times..... Not like in USA in black neighborhood that I see people in welfare and having nice cars with rims but their houses is a waste. I think they have to cut the shit and focus on how they live in these places and not care about the new Jordans (sneakers) or if their car is hooked up. Shit (sorry) but in my country I remember that my parents were focus on bringing in a good education and not if the car was hook up (my family didn’t have a car until we came to USA) I remember that I was poor like really poor that I didn’t have at times food to eat. In USA the government helps those in conditions like that, not the way that blacks want to be help but it a F***ing help. In my country we don’t have that, they only helps was if a family member was luckly to come to the USA, or work hard to get the money for a living in which in the USA they have laws that help people of all races to get jobs, (I know that I’m going off topic but to me it’s funny how blacks are so sensitive. That they want the white man to have respect for them and help them. ) Well going back to the text it’s true that in black neighborhood have no supermarkets only bodegas and they can’t supposedly can’t eat right. But to this … can you go in your cars and go and buy food from the white neighborhood? Come on now… If they really wanted to eat right and health they should work hard for it.  I’m not a racism but it gets me mad that some people get offended by the truth, My family work very hard to be where they are at…. But they have a huge disadvantage in the English language that blacks don’t have…..  Sorry I want to write more but I think I will get in trouble for it ….